Your Boobs As You Age

Your Boobs As You Age

While you may see the changes in your skin and feel the changes in your body as you go through life, you may not be as aware that your boobs are changing too.

Oct 2025

While you may see the changes in your skin and feel the changes in your body as you go through life, you may not be as aware that your boobs are changing too. And it’s not all about what they look like, the changes also extend to how they feel, so to get to know the stages of your breasts; know what to expect. It’s time to check in with your changing chest.

YOUR 20’s

This is the decade where your boobs change a lot; size can fluctuate as your metabolism may slow down or your weight settles. As you put on or take off the kgs, so too will your breasts lose or put on weight. If pregnancy is on the cards in your 20’s, you also need to factor in breast enlargement as you gain weight and your body gets ready for lactation, using your mammary glands, and changes to cup size. When your milk is no longer coming in, you might feel as if your boobs are bigger or smaller than before you got pregnant. Don’t be shocked if your areolas darken or your nipples get bigger during pregnancy – these will both go back to your ‘normal’ after you give birth. Check out our range of maternity bras and wire-free bras.


Another phenomenon that can happen in your 20’s is fibrocystic change, which will show up as benign lumps in your boobs. As your menstrual cycle varies, so do your hormones, such as your estrogen levels. As a result, your chest may develop breast lumps – all normal and to be expected, so try not to worry. A sore lump that feels like other areas in that same breast is most probably a fibrocystic change. Always trust your gut, but bear in mind that more often than not, cancerous lumps are not painful. You need to keep an eye out and make sure you screen for breast cancer which, if left unchecked can spread through connective tissue. So, get yourself to your doc and seek medical advice if you notice significant changes so you receive the right diagnosis or treatment. Check out our sports bras because this is a good time to get more support during your exercise.

YOUR 30’s

A lot of women in their 30's have had their kids and will notice their boobs stretching because of putting on and losing weight. Weight gain associated with pregnancy results in stretch marks and drooping and are a natural consequence when you’re expecting a baby. If you’re finding your changing boobs difficult to adjust to, remember how amazing your breasts are and what they’ve been through.

YOUR 40’s

As you go through menopause, there are yet more changes your boobs will go through. At this age, your ovaries create less estrogen, and as a result, your breast tissue is replaced by fat as part of a process known as involution. Because fat is softer, your boobs may not feel as firm as they did in your 20’s and 30’s. And it’s not always an equal occurrence throughout your boobs; while some of your breasts may become fatty, the adjacent tissue might feel like a lump in contrast. If these lumps are soft (like the side of your nose), it’s likely fine, but if the lumps are harder (think the bridge of your nose), see your doc. Make sure you stay familiar with your boobs and their changes through frequent self-exams. And remember, these changes are all a very natural part of ageing.


Even though breast ptosis is more likely after you lose a lot of weight or have had a pregnancy - losing firmness and fullness is a natural phenomenon and part of the ageing process. As you age your breasts gradually become less glandular and fattier. Your collagen will begin to yield, resulting in less dense breasts, which means your boobs will sag – it’s a fact of life. This is why mammograms are recommended after you hit 40 – the drop in density means your doc can get a clearer picture of how healthy your boobs are. So, it's important to have your breasts medically reviewed for professional and health purposes, especially if you’re considering cosmetic surgery of any kind. To keep your chest in check, it’s important to get regular fittings and change your bra as your breasts change. Our in-store fittings will ensure you have the best fitting bra for your body and breasts. Come in for a bra fitting with one of expert bra fitters.

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